Friday, September 29, 2006

Talladega Nights - The Ballad of Ricky Bobby (2006)

I loved Anchorman and i thought this was similar and so it was a bit of a must see. It centres around the life of a race car driver with the ups and downs. He has a bad accident that ruins his career and his wife leaves him. He moves in with his mum and with his two terrible children (the source of some great one liners!) and meets his Dad. They eventually get his life turned around and he goes back to the track to beat a gay frenchman (you couldn't make him up!) and restart his life. The film is so funny and if you enjoyed Anchorman and that style of film ( Dodgeball, Wedding Crashers etc) you'll love this film. Loads of great quotes to share with your friends which will keep you laughing all night long.


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