Monday, September 11, 2006

The Mysterious Flame of Quenn Loana - Umberto Eco

I decided to read this because i read "The Name of the Rose" about 4 years ago and enjoyed it alot. The book is about an Italian grandfather who has had an accident and is suffering from a form of amnesia. He goes on a journey of self discovery through literature to uncover his childhood during WWII and what his life has been like since then. He travels to his old family home where he grew up during the war which has been untounched for many years. Whilst there he discovers many books that reignite memories and stories.

I really enjoyed the book and found it very interesting to learn about the era and life as a member of the resistance in Italy. The book was heavy to read as it trawled through many literary references, which many went over my head, but were interesting enough to read. I found myself getting lost in the book for long periods of time, much like Yambo (the amin character) in the books and meories he was describing. I would particularly recomend this book to anyone who has an interest in antique literature and it is still a good read if not.

Other reviews

geniusboyfiremelon: Recommended for Some: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

Bibliogeographical:: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana

A Guy's Moleskine Notebook


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